Contact Us

Info & appointments

All appointments need to be pre-booked.
By booking an appointment you agree to our Privacy Policy.
For bookings please contact us via phone.

Veerenni location

Veerenni 51 (2nd floor), 10138 Tallinn

Mon-Thu 9-18, Fri 9-17

(Physiotherapy treatments need a doctors referral, should be pre-booked and are available Mon- Thu 8:45am-5.30pm, Fri 8:45am – 4:30pm)


In front of the building and underneath the building the EuroPark zone is EP100 and the parking-fee is 1,5 €/30 min. Parking can be paid for via mobile phone or in the parking machine, which is located on the 1st floor just opposite the main entrance. Please follow general parking rules and indications.

Viimsi location

Karulaugu tee 13 (2nd floor of FORUS Sports Center) 74001 Haabneeme

Mon-Thu 9am-4pm and additionally based on pre-booked appointments.


Free-parking around the building. Paid parking (EuroPark) underneath the building.
Please follow general parking rules and indications.

In case you need to cancel an appointment, please inform the appointment desk  at Spordimeditsiini SA at least 24 hours in advance. When a patient fails to arrive for an appointment without cancelling it in advance, Spordimeditsiini SA shall reserve the right not to provide further services to the patient until the patient has paid for the missed appointment according to the valid price list.

About Us

Sports Medicine Foundation (Spordimeditsiini SA) 90000682 offers a range of sport and exercise medicine tests, treatments and consultations to fitness athletes, young athletes and professional athletes as well as anyone who practices or intends to start practicing any sport.

Spordimeditsiini SA (Sports Medicine Foundation) was established in 1998 by the Estonian Olympic Committee to ensure the provision of high-quality sport and exercise medicine services to professional athletes. We are still a partner of the Estonian Olympic Committee. The majority of the Estonian Olympic team which competed at the Olympic Games in Rio had their health examinations conducted by our facility. We also provide treatment too professional athletes in case of injuries and for recovery purposes.

We also provide services of the Olympic level of quality to fitness athletes and young athletes. Our highly acclaimed and experienced SEM doctors, SEM trauma surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons specialized in SEM traumatology and physiotherapists contribute to the prevention of illnesses, determination of physical performance capability, health promotion and speedy recovery.


SEM doctors
Doctor Leena Annus
Doctor Ants Kiviselg
Doctor Muza Lepik
Doctor Pii Metsavas
Doctor Katrin Raudsik
Doctor Meelis Vainu
Doctor Virve Vask
Doctor Kaileen Raudsepp
Doctor Kaido Hanni

Doctor Christen Kööp (resident)

Priit Ailt
Katre Lust-Mardna
Anastassia Šipilova
Liisbet Puust

Selve Miil
Gea Muru (Head Nurse)
Olga Volovik
Tatjana Potapov
Alina Chernikova (on parental leave)
Julia Kroytor
Liisi Sulamägi
Jaune Engel
Elerin Aun
Annely Lõhmus
Kerli Pärn
Merlin Karma

The Member of the Board of the Foundation is Doctor Mihkel Mardna. Project Manager is Marit Laidroo.